Childcare Choices
Please see the Childcare Choices website (link below) for information on help with childcare costs, and to find out thetype of funding that your child may be eligible for.
We offer FEET, Universal 15 hours for 3 and 4 year olds and the Working Parent Entitlement for 2,3 and 4 year olds.
We are registered to provide FEET funding to 2 year olds who meet the criteria set out by Surrey Early Years and Childcare Services. Eligible children can claim up to 15 hours of funded care per week and do not need to pay the consumables charge. We only offer a very limited amount of FEET places at any one time so please speak to us before registering if you think you might be eligible
Universal 15 hours for 3 and 4 year olds:
From the term after your child turns 3 they will be eligible to receive 15 funded hours per week. All children receive this regardless of their parent's employment status or income. We recommend that in children's last year before they start school they are attending at least their 15 Universal hours, including at least one full day.
Working Parent Entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 year olds:
Eligible 2 year olds can receive 15 funded hours per week (from their 2nd birthday). Eligible 3 and 4 year olds (from the term after they turn 3) can receive up to 30 funded hours per week. Please see the eligibility criteria below, or the Childcare Choices website for more information.
Funded hours will be available where both parents (or the sole parent in a lone parent family):
- are working and earn on average a weekly minimum amount equivalent to working 16 hours at either National Minimum Wage (NMW) or National Living Wage (NLW)
- have an adjusted net income of less than £100,000 each per year
- live in England (parents who are non-EEA nationals must have recourse to public funds to qualify)
You may still be eligible to apply if you or your partner:
- are taking paid time off work, such as maternity leave, paternity leave or sick leave
- are temporarily away from England for a period of up to 6 months, such as on military duty
How the funding can be used at preschool:
Subject to available places, we can offer funded hours flexibly across the week, and children can attend a combination of 'full days' and morning sessions. For example, if your child is eligible for up to 30 hours and you would like them to attend 3 full days, this would use 21 hours for your funding (three 9.00am - 4.00pm days)
Funding is offered continuously across the day with no breaks. If you would like your children to attend additional hours outside of their funded entitlement please see the fee paying information below.
Parents will need to pay a consumables charge of £1.50 per funded hour that children attend each week which goes towards consumables that are not covered in the funding rate, and for everything that we offer that goes above and beyond basic provision.
Children's lunch and snacks are charged separately at £2.50 per day.
Examples of weekly costs:
For a funded child (eligible for up to 15 hours) attending 3 mornings sessions (9.00am - 1.30pm) per week, using 13.5 hours of funding with us
Total cost (including all food) is £27.75 per week
For a funded child (eligible for up to 30 hours) attending 3 full days (9.00am - 4.00pm) per week, using 21 hours of funding with us
Total cost (including all food) is £39 per week
For all children not yet eligible for funding, and for those to wish their children to attend extra hours above their funded entitlement, we charge a £50 registration fee which secures your child a place and includes a preschool t shirt and a two hour settling in session with one-to-one care from your child's Key Person.
A majority of our children start with us from their 2nd birthday and go on to stay with us until they start reception.
We charge a flat rate hourly fee for all children (2, 3 and 4 year olds), and from September 2024 this will be £8 per hour.
Daily costs for fee paying children:
9.00am - 12.30pm morning session - £28.50 (3.5 hours of fees plus snack)
9.00am - 1.30pm morning session - £38.50 (4.5 hours of fees plus snack and lunch)
9.00am - 3.30pm full day - £54.50 (6.5 hours of fees plus snack and lunch)
9.00am - 4.00pm full day - £58.50 (7 hours of fees plus snack and lunch)
We offer flexible payment plans of either being invoiced on a half termly basis or regular monthly payments spread across the year.

We are registered to accept payments through Tax Free Childcare (for children eligible for 30 hours funding) and a variety of Childcare Voucher providers. (Edenred, Busy Bees, Computershare, Fair Care, Care4 Childcare, Co-operative Childcare, Kiddivouchers and Childcare Plus). This effectively saves 20% on all fees.
We also accept payments via BACS bank transfer.
Early Years Pupil Premium
If your child receives Free Early Education you may be eligible to apply for Early Years Pupil Premium, which means we might be able to claim extra funding to support your child, such as providing new experiences or specialist training for staff.
Please see the link below for more information and to see if you might be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium