Outdoor Learning
It is an important part of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that children experience is that children will experience the outdoor environment and that as Early Years Practitioners we provide opportunities for children’s learning to take place outdoors as well as indoors. Through focused Outdoor Learning sessions children will get the opportunity to learn about the natural environment, trees, flowers and wildlife as well as learning outdoor skills such as fire building and cooking outside. We encourage children to use their imaginations and use natural resources to make crafts and play games. These learning experiences help to develop communication, confidence and practical skills, as well as a greater understanding of the environment.
Outdoor Learning sessions take place in all weathers, with the exception of very high winds and thunderstorms. To help achieve this all children taking part in regular Outdoor Learning will need the following:
• Waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers
• Wellies or outdoor shoes with a good grip
• Hat (either woolly or sun, depending on the weather)
• Sun cream (depending on weather)
• Old clothes you do not mind getting dirty which fully cover legs and arms
We do have spare waterproofs for children to use at preschool, however we do recommend children have their own as we not have enough to provide them for all children. Children will not be able to participate in an Outdoor Learning session if they are not suitably dressed for the outdoors.
Outdoor Learning sessions will take place on a variety of different sessions to ensure all children can participate. Therefore parents are welcome to leave waterproofs and wellies at preschool as we understand it can be difficult to bring these items back and forth each day. Please make sure all children’s clothes are labelled with their names. Parents will be notified at the start of the week if we are doing an Outdoor Learning Session that week.
We make the most of the areas surrounding the preschool such as the playing fields and woods. We have a 'base camp' that we visit regularly which is a 5 minute walk from the Preschool building, where we do craft, cooking and den building activities. We enjoy going on woodland walks and exploring different parts of the woodland area. No road crossings are required for any outdoor learning activities.
Nest building using natural resources as part of our bird themed week

Making Leaf Hedgehogs

Fire Circle
Cooking chocolate filled bananas over the fire
Making clay 'Forest People'
Making hot chocolate over the campfire

Building fairy houses
'Leaf People'
Bug hunts