At Little Bookham Preschool we aim to ensure that each child:
- is in a safe and stimulating environment;
- is given generous care and attention, because of our ratio of qualified staff to children
- has the chance to join with other children and adults.
- is helped to take forward her/his learning and development by being helped to build on what she/he already knows and can do.
- has a key person who ensures that each child's need are met and promote a secure relationship
- is in a setting that sees parents as partners in helping each child to learn and develop, and offers continuity of care and learning.
Working together for your children
Little Bookham Preschool has a high ratio of adults to children in the setting. This helps us to:
• Give time and attention to each child
• Talk with the children about their interests and activities
• Help children to experience and benefit from the activities we provide
Allow the children to explore and be adventurous in safety.
We offer up to 18 places per session, and there will normally be 3/4 members of staff. Our setting will adhere to the following adult to child ratios:
Children aged two 1 adult to 4 children
Children aged three and above : 1 Level 3 adult to 8 children
1 Level 6 adult to 13 children
There will
always be a minimum of two staff/adults on duty at all times.
The Key person
Each child in the Preschool will be assigned a key person. The key person will be responsible for helping your child settle in and building a relationship that enables the child to feel happy and secure. Your child’s key person will work in partnership with you to share and record information on your child’s daily well-being, progress and needs.
The key person will observe the progress of your child, and will record this information in the child’s Learning Journey. The Learning Journey will be updated on a regular basis and will allow activities to be planned around your child’s interests and individual needs, enabling them to progress to their full potential. It also helps us to identify the appropriate provision and support that is required for that child, to help them progress towards the Early Learning Goals. Key persons are encouraged to spend quality time getting to know their key children.
Parents/carers are welcome to speak informally to their child’s key person at any time. If you have anything you wish to discuss in detail a time can be arranged for you to sit down and have a meeting. Parents/carers are welcome to view their child’s Learning Journey at any time.
Special Educational needs
As part of the setting's policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. The setting works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2001).
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Helen Terry
Daily provision
We organise our day so that the children can choose from, and work at, a range of activities and, in doing so, build up their ability to select and work through a task to its completion. The children are also helped and encouraged to take part in adult-led small and large group activities which introduce them to new experiences and help them to gain new skills, as well as helping them to learn to work with others.
Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them. The children have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to take part in outdoor child initiated and adult-led activities, as well as those provided in the indoor area
At the beginning and end of each session circle time will take place. Circle time can include registration, overview of the activities available, show and tell, and story time as well as allowing opportunities for your child to gain confidence in speaking in groups.
Snack time
At Little Bookham Preschool we will have a snack bar in the mornings and afternoons. Providing a rolling snack bar means that the children have a choice of when they would like to eat, as children may be hungry at different times. Snack time then also becomes an integrated activity within the session. Activities need not be stopped, and children can continue their play undisturbed.
During the week each child will have the opportunity to help prepare and cut up fruit and vegetables. Through preparing their own snack, washing their hands, getting their own cup and plate, cleaning up after themselves, the children will become increasingly independent. Children will be able to choose what they like for snack, but we do encourage them to try new foods. By sharing, helping each other and taking turns, especially when new to the group, the children will learn and improve their social skills.
We ask that each child bring a piece of fruit daily. We offer either milk or water for the drink, and water is always available to drink through the session. Keep us updated of any dislikes and allergies.
Parents are asked to provide a packed lunch for those staying for lunch on a Monday and Thursday. Lunch will be around 12.15pm. (Please note that the preschool is a nut-free zone) If your child is staying until 5pm, they will be offered an additional snack around 4.30pm. This will include foods such as toast, pasta, pitta bread and houmous and vegetable sticks. When registering, parents can state if they do not wish their children to eat a certain type of food.
Children are often involved in messy play during sessions so we recommend that washable clothes are worn as well as providing a spare change of clothes. We promote outdoor learning in all weathers so suggest that wellies and waterproof clothing are provided as well as a sun hat and suntan lotion for the summer months.
Please mark all your child’s belongings with his/her name.
We will be regularly planning outings for the children in the local area. As we are a small setting we aim to make the most of this by providing a wide range of activities and experiences for the children. These are likely to include trips such as outings to the Vineries Garden Centre, the local library, shops and post office. We will inform parents/carers in advance and ask for your consent for each outing. Parents/carers are welcome to view our Outings Policy and Procedures at any time, please ask a member of staff.
When joining Little Bookham Preschool we will ask for your consent to take your child out on walks to the nearby woodland area and playing field. (King George V Playing fields adjacent to Little Bookham Preschool premises, access by footpath, no road crossing required). At Little Bookham Preschool we encourage outdoor play, and the children are given the opportunity to go out on walks throughout the day. Please be aware that if you chose not to give consent your child will have to remain in the Preschool room with two members of staff, and may miss out on valuable outdoor learning experiences with their peers. If you have any concerns please speak to member of the management team.
Toilet training
We are happy to take your child if they are still wearing nappies, and will support children who are currently potty training. Please provide a regular supply of nappies, wipes, disposal bags and a change of clothing.
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks
All staff have an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) certificate.
First Aid
We always have at least one member of staff with a current first aid certificate on duty. Any accidents and incidents are recorded and dealt with appropriately. If your child has a minor accident or injury, we treat them as required and tell you when you collect them. We will call you immediately if it’s anything more serious, or if they remain upset. When you register, you will have the opportunity to give consent for emergency medical treatment to your child.
The Role of Parents
We value the contributions of parents and carers, and recognise them as the first and most important educators of your young children. Parents are encouraged to talk to us regularly about their child’s development, changing behaviour, any issues affecting them or any concerns you have. Parents are welcome to view their child’s learning journey at any time, please just ask a member of staff. We aim to keep you informed through weekly emails and day-to-day contact.
Following guidelines and advice from Environmental health, children must be clear for over 48 hours from sickness or diarrhoea before being brought back into Pre-School. Regrettably no refunds can be given for any absences as the place is kept open for your child.
Collecting Children
Parents are requested to inform the staff if somebody different is collecting their child and as a means of identification for a person that we don't know a password can be given. If you are unavoidably delayed and another person is collecting your child you must telephone us and let us know.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
provision for children's development and learning is guided by The Early Years
Foundation Stage (DfE 2012). Our provision reflects the four key themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage, they are A unique child, positive relationships, Enabling environments and Learning and Development
start to learn about the world around them from the moment they are born. The
care and education offered by our setting helps children to continue to do this
by providing all of the children with interesting activities that are
appropriate for their age and stage of development within the seven different areas of Learning and Development.

Prime Areas
The prime areas begin to develop quickly in response to relationships and experiences, and run through and support learning in all other areas. The prime areas continue to be fundamental throughout the EYFS. (DfE 2012)
Personal, social and emotional development
We will provide an environment where children will be given the support needed in order to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, as well as gaining respect for others, social skills and a positive disposition for learning.
We will support children in:
• Developing confidence in trying new activities, speaking in a group, and initiating new ideas
• Encouraging good relationships with other children and adults
• Working a part of a group including sharing and taking turns.
• Becoming aware of the different values, beliefs and cultures and treating others with respect
• Choosing activities and resources independently and have confidence in their own abilities
Physical development
Opportunities will be provided for children to be active and improve their skills in coordination, control, manipulation and movement.
We will support children in
· Being acxtive and interactive
• Gaining an understanding of the need for physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food.
• Recognising the changes that happen to their body when they are active.
• Moving with confidence and imagination in a safe way.
• Handling tools, construction materials and objects in a safe way and with increasing control.
Communication and language
We will support children's learning and competence in the use of communication, speaking and listening. We will provide the opportunity for children be able to use their skills in different situations and for a range of purposes and developing confidence to do so.
We will support children in:
• Enjoying listening to and using spoken and written language and incorporating this into their play.
• Exploring words, sounds and texts and beginning to experiment with themselves
• Using language in their play to imaging and recreate roles and experiences
• Speaking clearly with confidence and control and showing awareness of the listener.
Specific Areas
The Specific areas include essential skills and knowledge. They grow out of the prime areas and provide important contexts for learning. (DfE 2012)
We will provide an environment where children are given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and other written material) to ignite their interest.
We will support children in:
• Developing an understanding of the different elements in stories, such as sequence of events and main characters.
· Using a pencil effectively to attempt writing for different purposes and to begin to form recognisable letters
· Linking sounds and letters and to begin to read and write
We will provide opportunities for children to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.
We will support children in:
• Using vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting in practical activities and discussion
• understanding and ideas about how many, how much, how far and how big
• understanding that numbers help us to answer questions about how many, how much, how far and how big
• understanding and developing ideas about how to use counting to find out how many.
Understanding the world
We will provide opportunities where children can develop their knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. Opportunities will also be provided where children can use tools safely; interact with plants, people objects and creatures in real life situations and in their natural environment.
We will support children in:
- Questioning how things work and why things happen
- Identifying and exploring the different features of objects, living things and events that they observe
- Finding out about the environment and discus the features they like or dislike
- Finding out about people, places, technology and the environment.
Expressive arts and design
Opportunities will be provided where children can explore and share their thoughts ideas and feelings through a variety of music, art, dance imagination and role play, music, and design and technology
We will support children in:
• Extending their creativity through their curiosity, exploration and play
• Using their imagination in music, dance, role play and art and design
• Exploring different colours, textures, shape, and form and space in both two and three dimensions
• Responding to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel in a variety of ways